What We Offer
The Twin Cities Homeschool Band consists of three bands: Beginning, Concert, and Symphonic. Students in all three bands are provided with small group lessons. Concert and Symphonic Band students are able to participate in the Pops Band for additional music in a larger ensemble, and Symphonic Band members also have the opportunity to participate in small chamber ensembles.
Welcome to Twin Cities Homeschool Band!
Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 Band Season.
To register - click here to join the website. Once your membership has been approved (typically within 24 hours), you will see the registration link.
Registration steps:
1. Request membership by completing the online form to register your family and gain website access.
2. Twin Cities Homeschool Band (TCHSB) will grant you access to the website, usually within 24 hours.
3. Login to the website and select your desired payment plan.
4. Pay your family fee and any applicable tuition.
5. Read the Family Handbook and sign the attached forms.